When starting e mail marketing activities people responsible for them often forget that the contact database they uploaded is more than just numbers. These are not just numbers that are supposed to translate into conversion or sales. With a wrong assumption it's hard to personalize content. The described attitude is a shot in the knee for the newsletter sender because in e mail marketing the principle of as you are to me so I to you works very well. A customer receiving an e mail addressed to the general public will be less likely to read its content or respond to a call to action.
It may even be tempting to say that as a sender you do not realize who you are dealing with on the other side. So how do you prevent such a reaction Loyal customer = friend What connects a newsletter customer base with true friendship Well a lot but the most important common feature is trust. Customer loyalty is defined by Taiwan WhatsApp Number List demonstrated and maintained trust in the company's mission activities and products. If when communicating with clients we take into account trust as well as the need to build relationships we are able to achieve much higher results. This is because the client is no longer just an unknown recipient of the value we provide but becomes an active participant in building and creating a brand.
Real activation of recipients makes them identify with the company creating an intimate hermetic environment often called clubs or fan clubs. So how do you translate theory into real action The S principle will help us with this . company newsletter Shortening the distance Switching to you in e mail communication is nothing more than shortening the distance between the sender and the recipient. But why is it so important When receiving personal information such as an e mail address name or telephone number we must remember that the person on the other side introduces us to a very intimate part of life.